PDF LibraryDocs / Textbooks / Property, Forests and Land Revenue /TypeBook TitlesPagesYear of PublicationAuthorSize pdfA Treatise On The Law of Mortgage286p1856Ed 215.9M pdfAnnotated Edition of the Land Revenue Code of Bombay644p1904Vinayak Sathe36.5M pdfCompulsory Sales in British India Tagore Law Lectures 1913468p1915Samatul Chandra Dutt31.2M pdfForest Law : a Course of Lectures on the Principles of Civil and Criminal Law and on the Law of the Forest (chiefly Based on the Laws in Force in British India)526p1893B H Baden Powell17.2M pdfLand Law in Madras Presidency400p1927Chakravarthy10.6M pdfLaw Of Perpetuities In British India Tagore Law Lectures 1898342p1902Mukhopadhyay24.5M pdfLaw of Landlord and Tenant as Administered in Bengal 184p1874H Bell15M pdfManual of Land Tenures317p1907Trikamlal Ranchhodlal Desai10.3M pdfMemorandum on the Forest Legislation Proposed for British India, Other than the Presidencies of Madras and Bombay136p1875D Brandis9.2M pdfObservations on the Law and Constitution India445p1825Lieut Galloway15.2M pdfOccupancy Right, Its History and Incidents : Together with an Introduction Dealing with Land Tenure in Ancient India450p1919Radharomon Mookerjee14.4M pdfThe Bombay Land Revenue Manual378p1934Khandekar22.4M pdfThe Law Of Estoppel in British India Tagore Law Lectures 1893556p1893Arthur Caspersz40.3M pdfThe Law Relating to Receivers in British India Tagore Law Lectures 1897361p1903John George Woodroffe11.3M pdfThe Law of Joint Property and Partition in British India Tagore Law Lectures 1895-96655p1897Ram Charan Mitra14.2M pdfThe Law of Riparian Rights, Alluvion and Fishery Tagore Law Lectures 1889475p1891Lal Mohun Doss22.5M pdfThe Law of Trusts in British India628p1882William Fischer Agnew32.4M pdfThe Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Immovable Property in British India Vol I543p1863G C Set61.3M pdfThe Moohummudan Law of Sale, According to the Huneefeea Code: from the Futawa Alumgeeree, a Digest of the Whole Law438p1850Neil Baillie12M pdfThe Economics of Tenancy Law and Estate Management in Allahabad Lectures1341921Herbert Stanley Jevons8.1M pdfThe Land Law of Bengal Tagore Law Lectures 1895 2nd Edition 710p1922Sarada Charan Mitra33.9M pdfThe Land Law of Bengal Tagore Law Lectures 1895520p1898Sarada Charan Mitra26M pdfThe Land Tax of India According to Moohummudan Law178p1873Neil Baillie11.4M pdfThe Law of Limitation and Prescription in British India Including Easements Tagore Law Lectures 1882780p1885Upendra Nath Mitra41.3M pdfThe Law of Mortgage in India Tagore Law Lectures 1876 380p1877Rashbehary Ghose17.1M pdfThe Law Relating to Easements in British India Tagore Law Lecturs 1899860p1922Frederick Peacock53.7M pdfThe Law Relating to Injunctions in British India Tagore Law Lectures 1897590p1897John George Woodroffe34.8M pdfThe Law Relating to the Land Tenures of Lower Bengal Tagore Law Lectures 1874-75544p1876Arthur Phillips27.1M pdfThe Law Relating to the Transfer of Immoveable Property Tagore Law Lectures540p1886Kisora Mohana Chatterjea32.5M pdfThe Rent Law of Bengal220p1875Jogindra Chandra Maulik13.6M pdfBaden Powell Manual of the Land Revenue Systems and Land Tenures of British India804p1882Xxxx40.7M Select AllDownload